Dear Valued Business Partner,
Considering the ongoing situation related to COVID-19, we stand strong with companies who have been affected by the coronavirus. Our team is more than committed about our responsibility on ensuring that your businesses are running smoothly during this difficult time of disruption.
In case your supply chain is experiencing disruption, and you are in need of service support, maintenance, spare parts, consumables, installation and commissioning, pre-acceptance or trainings that enable your staff to get the most out of your equipment, please contact us. We will do everything within our power to support you.
如果(guo)您(nin)的(de)供應(ying)鏈出現(xian)中斷,需要(yao)服務(wu)支持、維護、備件、耗材、安(an)裝和(he)調試、預驗收或(huo)培(pei)訓以使(shi)您(nin)的(de)員工充(chong)分利用設備,請(qing)與我們聯系 。 我們將竭盡所能為您提供支持。
Companies that can navigate through disruptions often come out stronger and succeed in the long-run. You can rely on our expertise and services during the disruption to seize your competitive advantages tomorrow. Talk to us today.
We are here to discuss in more detail and answer any questions you may have. Should you have any query, we remain at your entire disposal.
With best personal regards,